How to Balance Acidity
Consider purchasing an acid/alkaline pH test kit. These can be found online and at most drug stores. The test is used to determine the amount of acid and alkaline in the body by putting a small amount of urine on a test strip and comparing it to a color chart. The goal is to be around 7.
Avoid or limit acidic foods and drinks. Some of the foods high in acid are coffee, chocolate, meat, dairy, peanuts and Brazil nuts, brussels sprouts and corn, cake and macaroni, as well as cranberries, prunes, strawberries and pomegranates. Try to avoid saturated fats, spicy and salty foods.
Eat alkaline foods. Try to eat three alkaline to one acid to keep a better balance. Consider a Mediterranean-type diet for the best alkaline foods. This diet mainly consists of fruits, vegetables, nut and seeds and grains (with exception of those that are acidic, mentioned above).
Use over-the-counter antacids when needed. They are found at all grocery and drug stores and they work to neutralize acid in the stomach. It is best to take them after eating so they work slower and the effects last longer.
Drink lots of water to flush out the system. It is also important to eat smaller and more frequent meals so that the digestive system does not have to work so hard to break down the food.