Heartburn-Free Foods
Bland Foods
Eat bland foods such as lightly seasoned meat, potatoes, bread, rice and vegetables. Avoid citrus fruits, tomatoes and tomato sauce, foods high in fat, greasy foods and anything spicy. Web MD reports that peppermint also can trigger heartburn, even though many people believe it will soothe the stomach. If you eat dessert, choose something other than chocolate, as it causes heartburn in some people.
Liquids such as milk, water, noncitrus juice and decaffeinated coffee and tea usually do not cause heartburn. Avoid alcoholic drinks, caffeinated beverages and such carbonated drinks as soda.
Portion Size
According to the Mayo Clinic, eating small portions helps to prevent heartburn. People who suffer from the condition may benefit from eating small meals five or six times a day instead of consuming three large meals.