How to Use Proton Pump Inhibitors & H2 Blockers Together
Consult your doctor. Your doctor will evaluate your symptoms. Patients with severe acid reflux disease may require more than the standard dose of proton pump inhibitors and H2 blockers. Your doctor may start you off on a high dose, then as your symptoms subside, he or she may decrease your dosage down to a maintenance amount. Fill your prescription. The amount of medication you need to take will depend on the strength of the prescription.
Take your proton pump inhibitor once a day. Follow your doctor's instructions on how and when to take your medication, but in general, proton pump inhibitors are taken once a day - with or without food. Patients with severe symptoms may take a pill twice a day (one at morning, one at night). Proton pump inhibitors may take longer than an H2 blocker to begin working, but the effects last longer.
Take your H2 blocker. Again, follow your doctor's instructions. Over the counter medications will also have instructions on the box. H2 blockers work faster than a proton pump inhibitor, but the effects do not last as long. Some patients will need to take their H2 blocker several times a day. H2 blockers typically take about an hour to take effect, so taking a pill about an hour before meals may help prevent acid reflux symptoms from occurring. You can also take these medications after a meal if you feel symptoms coming on. Your doctor may also suggest you take one at bedtime.