How do I Take Other Medications While Taking Nexium?
Talk to your doctor. Drug interactions can cause serious side effects. Your doctor has access to your medical history and information about Nexium. He will be able to advise you whether there may be a possible drug interaction or whether you may need to switch medications to avoid a drug interaction.
Talk to your pharmacist. Your pharmacist will know what medications may cause adverse interactions with Nexium. If you are on another medication that may cause an interaction, your pharmacist may be able to recommend a similar medication that is not prone to such interactions.
Consult your prescription instructions or the box that the bottle of Nexium comes in. Warnings regarding drug interactions will be listed on your prescription instructions as well as the drug's container.
Wait to take Nexium if you are currently on atazanavir, anticoagulants, antifungals, clopidogrel, digoxin or iron supplements. All of these have known side effects with Nexium. If this is your situation, consult your doctor before starting Nexium.