How do I Prevent Reflux & Heartburn With No Drugs?
Limit your food choices. Identify foods that cause reflux and heartburn and remove these items from your diet. Culprits may include chocolate, caffeine, citrus fruits, tomatoes and tomato products, spicy foods, fatty foods and peppermint. Keep a food journal to track what you eat and the symptoms it causes.
Wear loose clothing around your waist. Tight clothes and belts can push your stomach up and trigger a backflow of stomach acid into the throat.
Don't eat within two to three hours of bedtime. Stomach acid can travel to the throat when you are lying down if you haven't given your food time to digest.
Reduce portion size. Overeating is another common reflux and heartburn trigger. Eat smaller meals--and eat more frequently, if necessary--to control reflux without drugs.
Go on a diet. Lose excess pounds to reduce stomach pressure and decrease the risk of acid reflux. Exercise regularly (at least three times a week for 30 minutes), and eat a healthy diet that consists mainly of fruits, vegetables and lean meats.
Keep stomach acid in your stomach at night by elevating the head of your bed by 6 inches--gravity will make it unlikely that the acid will be able to travel up the esophagus. Preventing acid reflux at night is particularly important so you can sleep uninterrupted.