Foods That Produce Gas in the Stomach
Fatty Foods
Foods with high fat concentrations stay in the stomach longer, which causes the stomach to produce more gas. Starchy foods such as pasta, bread and potatoes can contribute to gas in the stomach. Introduce more rice into your diet, as this starch does not produce as much stomach gas as the others. Cut down on fried foods, as they become saturated with cooking oil, which contains animal or vegetable fats. Common culprits include fried chicken, buffalo wings and french fries.
Sugar From Fruits
Fruits such as apricots, bananas, melons, peaches, pears, prunes and raw apples can cause gas in the stomach. These fruits contain a high amount of sorbitol, a kind of sugar that cannot easily be broken down. As this sugar sits in the stomach, gas is produced as stomach acid breaks down the sugar.
Sugar From Vegetables
Like some fruits, certain vegetables contain sugars that are more difficult for your body to break down, resulting in excess gas. Vegetables such as onions and artichokes contain fructose, and vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus and cabbage contain raffinose, both of which are more difficult to digest. Also, vegetables with soluble fiber, such as peas, don't break down as easily as vegetables with insoluble fiber.
Although fiber-filled foods are great for colon health, bran, oatmeal and other oat products can all result in excessive gas because of their high soluble fiber content. Instead of oat bran, try switching to wheat bran, which is high in insoluble fiber that passes through the body usually without a problem.
Dairy Products
Milk and other dairy products contain a sugar called lactose, which can be difficult for your digestive tract to process. Cheese and ice cream contain lactose and may cause excessive gas. Those with a lactose intolerance may need to avoid these foods to prevent intestinal gas and belly pain.