What to Do When GERD Flares Up?
Taking over-the-counter or prescription medications can help ease GERD symptoms. The fastest-acting medications are antacids, which neutralize stomach acids for temporary relief. Although antacids can soothe acid reflex pain quickly, the relief can be short lived due to the speed in which they are digested from the stomach. To prolong their effectiveness, try taking two antacid tablets before your meal. This will slow the digestion of the antacid through the stomach for longer-lasting relief.
Other medications include H-2 (histamine) receptor blockers and proton pump inhibitors. Both options come in over-the-counter and prescription-strength doses. H-2 receptor blockers work by preventing the release of stomach acids. Taken before a meal, they are not as fast-acting as antacids but offer longer-lasting relief.
Proton pump inhibitors are used for prevention rather than relief of GERD flare-ups. They work by stopping the production of acid in the body and may require several days to offer relief.
Lifestyle Changes
GERD symptoms tend to be less severe when the patient is in an upright position, allowing gravity to help prevent stomach acid from refluxing into the esophagus. Eating meals two to three hours before bedtime can help prevent symptom flare-ups by allowing food to leave the stomach before bed. Sleeping with your head and torso elevated can prevent and relieve symptoms as well. Specially designed wedge pillows are available for GERD sufferers.
Home Remedies
Drinking a glass of water after each meal can help prevent GERD flare-ups by diluting the stomach acids and flushing them back into the stomach. Other home remedies and herbal treatments include ginger root, bitters and apple cider vinegar. In "The Doctors Book of Home Remedies," Daniel B. Mowrey, Ph.D., suggests taking ginger root capsules after each meal to help absorb stomach acid and reduce stress. He suggests taking bitters in capsule or liquid extract form before meals to prevent GERD symptoms. In the same book, herbal lecturer Betty Shaver suggests drinking apple cider vinegar mixed with water during meals for relief.