Homeopathic Remedies for Chronic Acid Reflux
Healing Foods
For some, relief from constant acid reflux can be found by eating certain healing foods. Starting with water, drinking 1 gallon of filtered water or more a day helps to dilute acid and normalize the pH in your stomach. Fresh garlic, eaten every day, helps to kill any H. pylori bacteria in the stomach. H. pylori bacteria are known to cause acid reflux for some people. Constipation can make acid reflux worse, so adding more fiber to your diet by eating fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help.
Herbs & Supplements
There are several stomach-calming herbs and spices that you could include with meals or take after meals to help acid reflux. Ginger, mint, licorice, and chamomile are all known to calm an upset stomach. Acidophilus supplements help to restore and balance the micro-flora in the intestines, and play a role in restoring overall digestive health. Slippery elm is an herbal supplement that has been found to neutralize acid, protect the lining of the stomach and intestine, and alleviate ulcers and hyper acidity conditions, according to Dr. Karl Smith or drksmith.com. Herbal remedies can have serious side effects, according to the Mayo Clinic; you should ask your doctor about safe dosages before taking any herbs.
Honey from New Zealand
Active Manuka Honey is an all-natural, antibacterial, medicinal honey from tea tree bush's found in New Zealand. This honey is used to treat ulcers and to protect, soothe and heal the tissue of the esophagus. Dr. Molan, of the Waikato University in New Zealand, has studied this honey for more than 20 years. Dr. Molan's extensive research claims that Active Manuka Honey kills bad bacteria in the digestive system like H. pylori. This honey has no known side effects, unless you have an allergy to honey.
Alternative Treatments
According to doctors at the Mayo Clinic, one small study showed that acupuncture helped relieve heartburn symptoms in people who did not respond to medicine. Stress has been linked to chronic acid reflux disease, so for some relaxation therapies including regular exercise can help. These techniques calm stress and can reduce the symptoms of acid reflux. Sleeping with your head raised up 5 to 6 inches helps to keep acid in the stomach.
Once you have found a remedy that relieves your acid reflux, you can make some changes to prevent it from returning. Some steps that can aid prevention include: stop eating 3 hours before bedtime; eat smaller portions at meal time and eat 4 to 6 small meals a day; avoid acidic foods such as tomatoes, citrus fruits and fruit juices; avoid wearing tight clothing; and limit your consumption of alcohol, coffee, tea, soda, chocolate and fatty foods.