Heat Exhaustion Symptoms
Muscle Cramps
Cramps are an involuntary contraction of a person's muscles. These contractions can be painful and unexpected and are often a result of dehydration or muscle fatigue.
When a person is lacking the strength and energy to get through everyday life, it can be a sign of heat exhaustion. Though we all are tired periodically, heat exhaustion fatigue is marked by extreme tiredness.
Low Blood Pressure
Low blood pressure, or hypotension, is primarily a condition in which a lower-than-normal amount of blood is moving through the veins. This can lead to fatigue, lightheadedness, dizzyness, seizures and fainting.
Extreme heat can cause the body to cramp and lead to nausea and vomiting. Rest, cool water, ice packs and a temperature-controlled environment may help. When vomiting restricts an individual's ability to hydrate by consuming liquids, IV fluids may be necessary.
Many headaches are caused by dehydration and a lack of fluids in the body, so it is no surprise that heat exhaustion can cause severe cases. An individual suffering from heat exhaustion should drink lots of water, as well as light fruit juices and beverages that replace electrolytes.