Symptoms of Heat Exhaustion and Dehydration

Heat exhaustion and dehydration is a medical emergency. Heat exhaustion and dehydration doesn't just occur when someone has been out in the hot wilderness without water. It can occur around the home, on a job site, at an outdoor exercise field, and other places where people have been working outside for long periods of time. The people most at risk for developing heat exhaustion are people with high blood pressure, individuals exercising in a hot environment, and the elderly.
  1. Behavior

    • People who are suffering from heat exhaustion and dehydration will often be irritable. They may also show signs of confusion, especially if they are elderly. Lack of coordination is also a sign of heat exhaustion and dehydration. If left untreated, delirium and unconsciousness can occur, as well as heat stroke.

    Dryness/Sweating and Chills

    • Someone who is experiencing heat exhaustion and dehydration will often have a very dry mouth and nose, yet they may be sweating profusely. In severe cases, there may be a lack of sweating. People may also experience chills and turn pale even though the weather is very hot. Extreme thirst is evident, and the person may be unable to satiate their thirst.


    • When heat exhaustion and dehydration occurs it results in little or no urination. What urine is passed will have a strong odor and be dark.

    Vital Signs

    • Heat exhaustion and dehydration can produce low blood pressure and a rapid heartbeat. The pulse may be weak, but rapid. Breathing will be shallow and fast.

    Fever, Nausea/Vomiting

    • People experiencing heat exhaustion and severe dehydration will often have a fever. They may also experience nausea. In serve cases vomiting may occur.


    • When a person is experiencing heat exhaustion and dehydration their body no longer has enough fluid to maintain the functions of vital organs. Emergency treatment should be sought immediately to prevent heat stroke and/or death.

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