How to Survive a Very Hot Day
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Fruit
- Light-colored clothing
- Cloth
Drink water throughout the day when temperatures soar. Keep your body hydrated and do not over-exert yourself.
Stock up on fruits, such as canteloupe, watermelon, grapes, honeydew, mango and oranges. These will help keep you hydrated.
Freeze chunks of cut-up fruit. This frozen fruit is an excellent snack that will help cool down your body. Fruits that freeze well include grapes, watermelon and canteloupe.
Avoid strenous exercise or outdoor work in excessive heat. Don't overdo it. Give your body a chance to cool itself by relaxing and avoiding direct sunlight.
Wear cool clothing in light colors on very hot days. Keep a cool cloth and some ice water handy for when you come in from outside and are overheated. Rest the cloth on your neck and forehead to help cool your body.