How to Use Natural Remedies for Heat Stroke
Things You'll Need
- Mango
- Onion
- Mineral supplement
- Peppermint oil
- Plums
- Coconut milk
Boil a raw mango and soak it in cold water. Once it's cool, peel away the skin. Add the pulp to a blender. Add some cumin seeds, salt, pepper, jaggery and coriander. Blend until smooth. Drink a cup three or four times a day.
Eat some raw mango. It's very effective at cooling down your body and helping you cope with heat stroke. You can also find raw mango in drink form, called Panha.
Shred an onion. Wrap it in a cloth and squeeze to get the juice into the cloth. Hold the compress behind your ears and on your chest. This will treat inflammation caused by heat stroke.
Take a mineral supplement. Make sure it's one with a natural source. Minerals will boost your vitality and restore the electrolytes you lose during heat stroke.
Apply peppermint oil to your skin to cool down. It has proven affects on your body temperature. Dab some on your temples. You can also add two or three drops of peppermint oil to water and drink.
Place plums in cold water. Soak until the fruit becomes soft. Use your hands to mash the plums in the water. Pour it through a filter or colander and drink the fruity water. This will relieve the burning sensation caused by heat stroke.
Grind some peppercorns and add to coconut milk. Mix until it's pasty. Apply the paste to your chest and pressure points to cool your body down.
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