How to Deal With Heat Exhaustion
When someone is suffering from heat exhaustion, it should be treated as a very serious and life-threatening situation. You can help someone cool down if he or she is experiencing heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Use these tips to help someone with heat exhaustion, but also call and get help from a medical professional as soon as possible.Instructions
Get the individual that is suffering heat exhaustion to a shady area and out of the sun. If the person stays in the sun, it will only get worse. People suffer from heat exhaustion in warm places all over the world because of intense sun.
Get the person to a cool area as soon as you can. The person's body temperature needs to be decreased to a safe level. Try putting him in a cool tub, cool shower, or use a hose with cool water to spray him.
Make sure that if the humidity in the air is low. You wrap the person in a wet, cool sheet and fan her.
Call the hospital for advice if the emergency personnel are delayed. Ask the hospital what you can do to help this individual.
Monitor this person's body temperature until is decreases to a level between 101 and 102 degrees F. This temperature will be safer to deal with and the emergency personnel can take it from there.