How to Cool Down a Heat Stroke Victim
Things You'll Need
- Cool items
- Water
- Wet towel
- Safe, cool place
Help Cool a Heat Stroke Victim
Be resourceful. Evaluate your surroundings quickly. If at all possible, get the victim to a covered area or, ideally, an air-conditioned place.
Get water. In order to cool down the victim, you need to get fluids in his system. If you are in a yard use a garden hose. At a park or other outdoor place get a bottle of water or use a water fountain.
Decrease the heat stroke victim's heat level. Fan the person and put cold objects on her skin (usually at the arm pit or crease in the leg). Place a wet item on her head or back to cool her. You can also use paper towels, cloths or a shirt.
Try and get the victim to sip the water or other fluid you have found. Use any type of cool item to help you. Look for a cooler with ice or a frozen treat.
Run a cool bath or shower. If you are in a place to do this, soak the person in the bath or sit him in a shower with the water running. Be careful not to leave him unattended, as victims of heat stroke can become dazed and light-headed.
Dress in light clothing while recovering from heat stroke. Continue to drink fluids and get a medical check up. If you do not have access to a cool place, visit a friend's home that has air conditioning.
Find ways to treat a victim of heat stroke and cool down the body temperature. You can get specific details at WebMD (see Resources below). This site will also help you learn what drinks to stay away from and things that can hinder the cool down process.