Which parts of body temperature can be taken?
1. Oral (mouth): This is the most common method for taking temperature in clinical settings. A thermometer is placed under the tongue for a few minutes to measure the oral temperature.
2. Rectal: Rectal temperature is considered the most accurate measurement of core body temperature. A thermometer is gently inserted into the rectum for several minutes to obtain the reading.
3. Axillary (armpit): This method involves placing the thermometer in the armpit and waiting for a few minutes to record the temperature. While it's less precise compared to oral or rectal measurements, axillary temperature is commonly used for children and individuals who find oral or rectal methods uncomfortable.
4. Tympanic (ear): Tympanic temperature is taken by placing a thermometer in the ear canal. This method is commonly used for infants and children as it provides quick measurements without causing discomfort.
5. Temporal (forehead): Temporal thermometers use infrared technology to measure the temperature of the skin on the forehead. They are quick and easy to use, making them suitable for home use.
The choice of body site for temperature measurement depends on several factors, including the individual's condition, age, and comfort level. Healthcare professionals typically recommend the appropriate method based on the specific circumstances.