How to Get a Tan While Preventing Sunstroke
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Sunscreen
- Light-colored clothing
Drink plenty of water. While there is no exact amount of water a given person should consume to prevent sunstroke while tanning, a good rule of thumb is to take in more fluids than you are losing. It is suggested that 20 ounces of water per hour should give you more fluids than you lose. Keep a bottle of water near you at all times, or stay within a short walking distance of fresh drinking water. Stay away from soda or even sports drinks because these contain large amounts of sugar, which can ultimately dehydrate you.
Wear a light-colored hat which covers your head. The hat does not necessarily have to cover your face, but it will help prevent sunstroke if you at least cover your head.
Wear plenty of sunscreen. Sunscreen helps prevent sunburns which can make you feel even hotter. Sunscreen reflects some of the sun's UV rays off your body, making you feel less hot. The more your temperature rises the more likely you are to get sunstroke, so using sunscreen will aid in keeping your temperature down.
Wear light-colored clothes if you are attempting to tan only some parts of your body. White is preferable, but there are other light colors like yellow and baby blue that can help reflect some of the sun's rays. In addition to wearing light colors, wear light fabrics. Wool and polyester are not good choices because they trap heat. Fabrics such as silk and cotton, on the other hand, make for a cooler tanning experience.