Treatment for Heat Stroke
Signs that someone may be suffering from classic heat stroke:
High body temperature, over 104 Fahrenheit. Increases rapidly.
Fainting or unsteadiness
Confusion, irritability, agitation
Pulse may be weak and slow, or fast and strong
Very little or no sweating
Hot and dry skinComplications of heat stroke include seizures, sepsis, coma, hypotension, heart and kidney failure, respiratory distress and pulmonary edema. Uncontrollable clotting of the blood is a common cause of death.
There are two different kinds of heat stroke. Both are serious medical emergencies. Exertional heat stroke occurs during strenuous exercise activity in healthy, younger people. Renal failure is common, and is accompanied by sweating. Common in the older population and those with predisposing health conditions, classic heat stroke occurs in very hot weather.
Heat stroke is caused by the inability of the body to rid itself of heat, which damages internal tissues and organs. Infants and children under the age of 4 and adults over 65 are at increased risk.
Other risks of developing heat stroke: obesity, physical conditions such as dehydration, diabetes and hypertension (uncontrolled). Also, the use of certain medications, diuretics for example and street drugs (i.e., heroin, cocaine, PCP and LSD) increase the risk.
Treatment and First Aid
Lowering body temperature is the most important step and should be started the moment heat stroke is suspected. This can be achieved by spraying the body with cool water, immersing it in a cool bath, wrapping the body with cool sheets and towels and placing ice packs under the arms, neck and groin areas. The victim should be moved to a shady, cool area away from the sun. Medical assistance should be obtained immediately. Delay in seeking medical attention can result in death or disability.
Hospitalization is necessary for heat stroke. Medical personnel will administer intravenous fluids and continue to use methods to lower body temperature. Oxygen is provided in cases of respiratory distress. Urine output is monitored closely.
It can take anywhere from two months to a year to recover from heat stroke.
Other Kinds of Hyperthermia
Heat stroke is just one kind of hyperthermia. There are several different conditions.
Heat Edema
Swelling occurs in the lower extremities: ankles and feet. Periodic exercise and feet elevation helps.Heat Exhaustion
Characterized by excessive sweating, dizziness, headache and generalized weakness. Elevated body temperature of at least 100.4 Fahrenheit, but lower than 104 Fahrenheit.Heat Cramps
Symptoms include painful muscle spasms of the arms, legs and stomach. This is due to excessive sodium loss, and may occur with the use of diuretic medications. It could be prelude to heat exhaustion. Effective treatment for heat cramps include oral and intravenous hydration and sodium replacement.
According to the National Institutes of Health, most people who suffer from heat-related illness are over 50 years of age. In order to prevent hyperthermia, it is essential to drink plenty of water and fruit or vegetable juice. Drink eight to 10 8-oz. glasses of fluid each day to keep properly hydrated. Avoid drinks that encourage fluid loss, such as coffee, cola and alcohol. Avoid prolonged sun exposure; do not exercise outside during hot weather and never leave children inside of a hot vehicle. Plan to exercise in the early morning, as it is much cooler during that time of day.
When feeling particularly hot, get out of the sun and into a cool place, preferably someplace with air conditioning, such as a library or shopping mall. Take a cool shower or sponge bath and drink water or Gatorade.