Why Would the Pulse Rate Be Elevated During a Heat Stroke?

Extreme heat, sufficient to cause heat stroke, places a great strain upon the heart. The pulse rate of someone experiencing heat stroke is likely to be elevated dramatically as the heart attempts to cool the body.
  1. Heat Stroke

    • Heat stroke is a serious condition that occurs when the body's temperature climbs to 104 degrees F or higher. If heat stroke is not immediately treated, it can cause organ failure, brain damage or death.


    • Symptoms of heat stroke may include elevated pulse rate, rapid breathing and shortness of breath, flushing of the skin, weakness and headache. Heat stroke may also cause a person to hallucinate or become comatose.

    Pulse Rate

    • Pulse rate may increase as a result of heat stroke because the heart begins pumping very hard to cool the body. Blood rushes to the muscles and skin to deliver oxygen, and as a result, the pulse rate increases yet the heart has less blood to move.


    • According to Merck.com, the likelihood that heat stroke will cause death is increased in those who have a pre-existing heart condition.


    • Treatment of heat stroke involves cooling the body as quickly as possible. The body may be packed in ice, wrapped in a cooling blanket or submerged in cold water.

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