Heat Exhaustion Tips
Many of the signs of heat exhaustion are pretty common. Watch for fatigue, headache, nausea, fainting, dizziness and heavy sweating. Look for other signs which are more specific to heat exhaustion, including dark-colored urine, low blood pressure, pale skin, which appears cool or moist to the touch, and a rapid heartbeat.
If you suspect someone is suffering from heat exhaustion, get her out of the heat and into an air-conditioned location. If you are unable to move her indoors, seek a shady area to get her out of direct sunlight and excessive heat.
Have the person remove excessive clothing to help cool herself off. If possible, get her to lay down and raise or elevate her legs slightly. Cool her by spraying her with cool water from a spray bottle or sponging her with a damp washcloth. Discourage her from submerging herself in a cool bath, as a slowly cooling body temperature is better.
Encourage water consumption. Consuming drinks with potassium such as Gatorade can be helpful.
If symptoms worsen, seek medical attention immediately.
When you know you are going to be outside and exposed to high temperatures, take plenty of water with you. Even if you don't feel thirsty, sip water to keep hydrated.
Wear moisture-wicking fabrics when exercising outside. This will keep you cool and dry during your workout. This special fabric soaks up the sweat and water more evenly, preventing you from getting weighed down in your clothes.
In extreme temperatures stay indoors where it's cool. If you like to run our workout outside, do it after the sun goes down when the temperature will be cool. Or opt for an exercise like swimming, which will keep you cool while burning calories.