The Best Ways to Deal With Heat Stroke
Causes and Symptoms
A person is having heat stroke when his body reaches 104 F or higher. It can happen when in high temperatures or high humidity, from too much strenuous activity or exercise, or if the body is unable to cool itself properly (possibly due to dehydration). Certain medications can also make you more susceptible to heat stroke, so talk to your doctor to find out if anything you are taking could put you at risk. Whatever might cause it, heat stroke is not something to take lightly.
Some of the symptoms of heat stroke include dizziness, headaches, seizures, high body temperature, muscle cramps, fast breathing and a quick pulse, loss of consciousness and weakness, among others. Surprisingly, a person suffering from heat stroke might not be sweating at all, which might be why it occurred in the first place.
If you suspect someone is suffering from heat stroke, call for help immediately. The next best thing to do is to try to lower the person's body temperature; if possible, bring him inside to a cool spot, remove excess clothing, and apply lukewarm or cool water to their skin. If you have a fan, turn that on as well, or use something to fan him. Have him lie down, elevate his feet slightly, and apply ice packs to his arm pits and groin if packs are available. Intravenous fluids may need to be administered, and bed rest is often recommended.
There are several ways to prevent heat stroke. Stay hydrated, and dress for the conditions you will be in. If possible, try to schedule more strenuous activities for cooler times of the day, and stay inside if it is too hot outside. Be aware of how you feel while you are exercising or out in the sun or in hot conditions, and take regular breaks. Wear sunscreen when you are outside, and a hat and sunglasses when possible. For more ideas on how to prevent and treat heat stroke, talk to your doctor, and do not hesitate to call for medical help if you or someone else might be suffering from heat stroke.