Define Heat Exhaustion
The human body regulates its internal temperature through sweating in high heat, reports the Mayo Clinic. During extremely high heat or humidity, the body's ability to cool itself is impaired, which can result in heat exhaustion.
The most common symptom of heat exhaustion is the skin feeling hot and moist, says the Mayo Clinic. Other symptoms may be present, including nausea, headache, weak pulse, feeling faint and dark urine.
Risk Factors
The Mayo Clinic reports that anyone is susceptible to heat exhaustion, but certain conditions can put a person more at risk, including obesity, old age and certain medications that impair the body's ability to remain hydrated.
The Mayo Clinic suggests moving to a cooler place, drinking water and sitting with the legs elevated to help lessen the symptoms of heat exhaustion. If symptoms do not improve within 30 minutes, the Mayo Clinic advises seeking medical attention.
If left untreated, heat exhaustion can progress into heatstroke, warns the Mayo Clinic. Heatstroke can cause permanent damage to vital organs and is a potentially fatal condition.