Difference Between Heat Exhaustion & Heatstroke
Heat Exhaustion Cause and Symptoms
When sweating exceeds fluid intake, heat exhaustion can happen. Someone with this condition might feel dizzy or nauseous, breath quickly (hyperventilation), be sweating a lot, have muscle cramps, have a fast pulse, seem disoriented and even collapse.
Heatstroke Cause and Symptoms
In heatstroke, the body fails to regulate temperature. It is a breakdown in the body's air-conditioning system (hyperthermia) that can happen quickly with no preliminary signs. Someone with this condition will likely pass out. If not, he may have a headache or feel exhausted. Skin is dry and red or has minimal moisture. Pulse rate is high (160 to 180) while blood pressure is often normal.
Heat Exhaustion Treatment
A victim of heat exhaustion must take in fluids quickly. This should be followed by rest in a cool environment, preferably at a hospital, so fluids can be delivered intravenously if needed.
Heatstroke Treatment
Heatstroke treatment is whatever it takes to reduce core temperature fast. This could be cool-water compresses, removing as much clothing as possible, a cool sponge bath, moving the person to a cooler place or fanning a person down. Fluid intake is not the priority, and avoid cold-water immersion. A heatstroke victim should be brought to the hospital as quickly as possible and may require an extended stay.
To avoid either heat-related condition, take time to get used to being or exercising in heat before doing this for long durations. Always carry plenty of water (try to replace what might be lost with sweating). Have a cell phone to get help or have a partner accompany you.