Heat Exhaustion Remedies
Primary Treatment
The main remedy for treating heat exhaustion is to place yourself in a cooler location. While a shady spot is certainly an improvement from being in direct sunlight, it is more effective to move to an air-conditioned room. While in the cool environment, drink cool liquids. In many situations, drinking cool water will be enough to reverse the effects brought on by dehydration. You can also spray yourself with water or soak a cloth in cool water and place it directly on the skin. While water is a good drink to rehydrate the body, consuming a beverage that contains electrolytes such as Gatorade is effective as well. Avoid soft drinks, because they are natural diuretics and will serve to further dehydrate the body.
Some herbs can help lower your body temperature. As a precautionary note, it is important to consult with your physician before consuming something you may have concerns about. The following herbs have been found to lower fever and body temperature with sickness, however, no studies of their effect on heat exhaustion have been conducted. Chinese skullcap, or scutellaria baicalensis, is commonly used in Chinese medicine to lower body temperature. It helps dilate the blood vessels close to the skin surface, allowing heat to escape. Elder flower, or sambucusnigra, is commonly used to reduce fever. Willow bark is another fever-reducing herb. However, anyone allergic to aspirin should avoid this. It is also recommended to avoid use by children under the age of 16, because it can lead to the development of a serious illness called Reye's syndrome. Cayenne pepper contains an ingredient called capsaicin that stimulates the sweat glands. The result is typically a lower body temperature.
The best way to remedy a heat exhaustion scenario is to take precautions. If you will be working in the heat, drink plenty of fluids first. Waiting until you are thirsty can be too late. Avoid placing yourself in excessively hot situations. On very hot days, stay in cool, air-conditioned locations. Avoid the consumption of alcohol, sugar and caffeine. These cause further dehydration, which can enhance the effects of heat exhaustion. Avoid working outside or exercising outside during the most intense heat of the day. When in the heat, wear lightweight and loose-fitting clothing.