What is hemorrhoids means?
Hemorrhoids are a common problem, affecting up to 50% of people at some point in their lives. They are more common in people who are pregnant, obese, or have a family history of hemorrhoids.
Symptoms of hemorrhoids can include:
* Bleeding from the rectum
* Pain or itching in the anus
* Swelling or bulging around the anus
* Difficulty passing stool
* Feeling like there is something stuck in the rectum
Treatment for hemorrhoids depends on the severity of the symptoms. In some cases, home remedies, such as over-the-counter pain relievers and sitz baths, may be enough to relieve the symptoms. In other cases, medical treatment, such as surgery, may be necessary.
Preventing hemorrhoids
There are a number of things you can do to help prevent hemorrhoids, including:
* Eat a high-fiber diet
* Drink plenty of fluids
* Exercise regularly
* Avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time
* Don't strain when having a bowel movement
* Maintain a healthy weight
If you have any symptoms of hemorrhoids, it is important to see a doctor to get a diagnosis and treatment.