Medical terms that start with hemi?
Hemiplegia: Paralysis affecting one side of the body.
Hemiatrophy: Wasting or shrinkage of one side of the body.
Hemianopia: Loss of vision in one half of the visual field.
Hemiagnosia: Inability to recognize or perceive objects on one side of the body.
Hemiplegic migraine: A type of migraine headache that is accompanied by hemiplegia.
Hemiballismus: A movement disorder characterized by involuntary, flinging movements of one side of the body.
Hemihyperplasia: Overgrowth or enlargement of one side of the body.
Hemifacial spasm: A condition characterized by involuntary muscle contractions on one side of the face.
Hemisection: Surgical division of a structure in the midline, resulting in two equal halves.