What is citrated blood used for?
1. Blood Transfusions:
Citrated blood is commonly used in blood transfusions to prevent clotting during the transfer of blood from a donor to a recipient. The sodium citrate binds calcium, an essential component for blood coagulation, thereby effectively impeding the formation of blood clots.
2. Blood Tests and Analysis:
Citrated blood is widely employed in laboratory testing and analysis. It is essential for certain blood tests, including coagulation studies, such as prothrombin time (PT) and partial thromboplastin time (PTT), which evaluate blood's clotting abilities. Citrated plasma, obtained by centrifuging citrated blood, is also used for various biochemical tests and immunological assays.
3. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Preparation:
Citrated blood is often used in preparing platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for therapeutic applications. PRP contains a high concentration of platelets, growth factors, and other bioactive molecules. It is commonly used in sports medicine, wound healing, and aesthetic procedures.
4. Research and Cell Culture:
Citrated blood serves as a valuable resource in biomedical research. Researchers use it to study blood-related diseases, coagulation disorders, immune responses, and other physiological processes. It provides a controlled environment for specific cell culture experiments.
5. Therapeutic Plasma Exchange:
In therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE), also known as plasmapheresis, citrated blood is employed to separate plasma from red blood cells and other cellular components. The plasma, which may contain harmful substances or antibodies, is removed from the body and the remaining cellular components are returned to the patient.
6. Apheresis Procedures:
Citrated blood is used in various apheresis procedures, such as plateletpheresis, where platelets are collected from a donor for transfusion or therapeutic use. The citrated blood is processed to separate and collect specific blood components while returning the remaining blood components to the donor.
7. Stem Cell Collection:
Citrated blood is sometimes used during stem cell collection, particularly when mobilizing stem cells from the bone marrow into the bloodstream. Sodium citrate prevents blood from clotting during the collection process.
8. Point-of-Care Testing:
Citrated blood is utilized in point-of-care testing devices, allowing for quick and convenient analysis of blood samples at clinics, doctors' offices, or even in remote areas.
Overall, citrated blood plays a vital role in various medical settings by preventing blood clotting and enabling safe blood transfusions, laboratory testing, therapeutic procedures, and research. Its anticoagulant properties ensure accurate and reliable blood analysis and support various medical interventions and treatments.