How to Stop Hemorrhages With Natural Remedies
Things You'll Need
- Powdered cayenne pepper
- Yunnan Baiyao capsules
- Phosphorus supplements
- Fresh alfalfa
Use cayenne pepper to stop external bleeding and slow internal bleeding. For external hemorrhage, fill the wound with cayenne pepper. The pepper will not hurt at all, but will help to form a scab, stopping bleeding. For internal hemorrhage add cayenne pepper to your food as much as you can handle and whenever possible to help slow bleeding.
Take one or two capsules of Yunnan Baiyao three times a day to slow bleeding after surgery, childbirth or even during excessive menstrual bleeding. You can also break open the capsules and apply the powder to external hemorrhages to stop bleeding. This ancient Chinese herb is a great emergency remedy; however; you should see your doctor as soon as possible after noticing a hemorrhage. This herbal remedy should not be used during pregnancy.
Ease internal bleeding, nosebleeds, heavy menstrual bleeding, bleeding ulcers and other types of hemorrhage with phosphorus supplements. Because excessive amounts of phosphorus can be harmful, speak to your naturopath or doctor about a supplement suited to your needs. To supplement phosphorus naturally, include plenty yogurt, fish, eggs and nuts in your regular diet.
Drink lots of fresh alfalfa juice, which can be made easily in the blender by simply adding the fresh herbs to a bit of water and blending. Alfalfa is used in many home remedies because it is naturally rich in vitamins and minerals the body needs to strengthen blood vessels and help in blood clotting. Drinking alfalfa juice daily can be a preventative measure for those who suffer from bleeding disorders and hemorrhage.
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