How to Clear Out Hep C From Your Body
Take all antiviral medications as directed. You will need to have at least one round of treatment lasting several weeks. Your doctor will perform tests to determine if further treatments are needed. Do not alter or stop your treatment regimen without talking to your doctor first.
Enhance healing with healthy lifestyle choices. Strengthen your immune system's ability to fight the virus by eating lots of fruits and vegetables, exercising at an appropriate level and getting enough sleep.
Do not drink alcohol.
Tell your doctor about any medications you are currently taking. He can determine if any of them will interfere with your hepatitis C treatments or promote liver damage. You might have to cease certain medications or find replacements
Consider alternative therapies to work in conjunction with your treatment regimen. Many supplements offer similar benefits, so taking every one listed is not necessary. Talking to an experienced health care provider is beneficial for determining appropriate supplementation. Vitamin C (1,000 mg three times a day) and coenzyme Q10 (200 mg at bedtime) are powerful antioxidants that also offer immune support. Fish oil can ease inflammation; take as directed on the product label. Resveratrol (200 mg daily), acetyl-L-carnitine (500 mg daily), cat's claw (20 mg three times a day), reishi mushroom (300 mg three times a day) and maitake mushroom (600 mg twice a day) all have anti-viral properties. Milk thistle (160 mg three times a day), n-acetyl cysteine (500 mg three times a day) and SAMe (s-adenosylmethionine, 1,600 mg daily) offer general liver support.