Liver Infection Diet
Cutting Down on Fat
Hepatits A can be managed with a well balanced sensible diet. Most people feel better within a short period of time, but others may suffer from weight loss and a loss of appetite. Try to eat higher calorie foods with plenty of protein to maintain good health.
Hepatitis B on the other hand is a serious condition, but a well balanced low fat diet is usually sufficient to maintain good health. Some patients lose a lot of weight because of appetite loss or nausea. Cut down on high fat foods for a healthier eating plan. Include healthy fats in your diet such as olive oil or canola oil. Nuts are another good source of fat for a healthy diet. Avoid trans fats which are not easily digested.
Avoiding Weight Loss
Maintaining your weight is an important factor in liver infection. Many patients lose too much weight while dealing with a chronic liver infection. Find foods that do not cause nausea by keeping a food journal and note the foods that trigger nausea. Eat smaller, more frequent meals during the day instead of three large ones. Larger meals may make you feel nauseous. Don't allow yourself to become too hungry between meals. Eat a snack or small meal every couple of hours to prevent nausea and loss of appetite.
Loss of Appetite
Loss of appetite is a common occurrence in patients suffering from a liver infection. Don't try to force yourself to eat if you are not hungry and avoid foods that you don't like. Healthy milkshakes and drinks can take the place of meals if you don't feel like eating. Some of these drinks have all the vitamins and nutrients of a healthy meal. If It's too much to eat solids, these drinks can make sure that your body is getting proper nutrition.
Supplements may be prescribed if you are not eating properly. Discuss your lack of appetite with your doctor or nutritionist for advice on the proper multivitamin or supplement to use.