Side Effects of the Hep B Shot
Between 3,000 and 5,000 people die annually from hepatitis B-related complications, reports the CDC. The disease is spread through direct contact with the bodily fluids or blood of an infected person.
The Shot
Vaccination became part of routine medical care in 1991. The hepatitis B vaccine is given in several doses. According to the CDC, the shot is responsible for a 75 to 95 percent decline in U.S. hepatitis B infections.
Mild Side Effects
Pain and redness at the injection site, low-grade fever, fatigue, digestive problems, dizziness, headache or body aches are common temporary reactions.
Serious Side Effects
According to Cigna, the risk of serious side effects is low but may include allergic reactions, such as hives, breathing problems or facial swelling. There have also been reports of fever; headache accompanied by a blistering skin rash; irritability; rapid heartbeat; and easy bleeding/bruising.
Tell your doctor if you have multiple sclerosis or neurological, immune or blood-clotting disorders. People allergic to baker's yeast or latex, and those who have recently received cancer treatments shouldn't have the shot, Cigna says.