Adverse Reactions to Hepatitis B Vaccination
General Side Effects
For the most part, the Hepatitis B Vaccination is handled well by people. However, it can have some side effects that people should be aware of. General side effects include diarrhea, vertigo, fatigue, malaise (a general feeling of sickness in the body), discomfort, headache, aggression and irritability, loss of appetite, mild fever, sore throat, nausea, pain, swelling and redness at the injection site, runny nose, drowsiness or weakness.
Nervous System Effects
Possible effects on the nervous system include headache, vertigo, drowsiness, insomnia, agitation, migraine, fainting, pain that seems to radiate throughout the body, tingling or burning sensations in the skin, convulsions, inflammation of the brain causing fever, vomiting or headache, numbness, pain and weakness from spinal nerve compression, shingles (skin rash and pain), weakness in muscles, multiple sclerosis or exacerbation of pre-existing multiple sclerosis or inflammation of the spinal cord. This is not a complete list of all reactions and if you experience anything not listed, be sure to inform your doctor so you can discuss it.
Hypersensitivity Effects
Effects due to hypersensitivity are allergic reactions, fever, rash, itching, hives, swelling of skin, swelling of mouth, lips, face, tongue or throat, shortness of breath or bronchial spasms as seen in asthma attacks, chest discomfort, low blood pressure, arthritis, erythema nodosum (skin inflammation resulting in nodules or lumps) or Stevens-Johnson syndrome, also known as Erythema multiforme (a skin disorder that occurs as the effect of ingesting certain medications or due to infection). Stevens-Johnson syndrome requires further treatment before it can be resolved and serious cases may result in fatalities.
Dermatologic Effects
Some dermatologic effects overlap with the hypersensitivity effects because they can also be categorized as allergic responses to the vaccine. Reactions include rash, hives, petechiae (flat, round spots under the skin caused by bleeding into the skin), erythema nodosum (skin inflammation resulting in nodules or lumps), excessive sweating of the underarms, palms, or soles of the feet, eczema, herpes zoster (shingles), purpura (a hemorrhagic area in the skin), alopecia (a condition resulting in hair loss from the scalp) and Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
The Hepatitis vaccine in very important because it wards off the potential and serious risks of Hepatitis B. However, patients need to be aware of the side effects that could occur, especially in children and young adults. Some may be more prone to infections and side effects of the vaccination than others. If you or someone you know experiences side effects of the vaccine, please seek medical treatment right away. Time is a crucial factor in the progression of an allergic or fatal reaction.