How to Recognize the Signs of Liver Failure
Things You'll Need
- Ability to visually observe the patient
Look for skin discoloration. One of the most common symptoms of liver failure is jaundice, in which the skin and eyes take on a yellowish color. In a patient suffering from liver failure, this becomes even more pronounced with the yellow shade becoming darker, leaning towards a more orange tint.
Check for bruising or bleeding. Patients with liver dysfunction may also bruise excessively. Liver failure causes the blood to thin as the platelet count goes down so that when injury occurs, it is even more difficult for blood to clot as it normally would.
Test the patient's mental processes. Because a failing liver is unable to effectively filter wastes and toxins from food, the blood that goes to the brain may not be able to carry sufficient oxygen and nutrients for proper functioning. A patient suffering from liver failure may experience confusion, restlessness and fatigue. He may be unable to think properly.
Feel the abdominal area for swelling. A distended abdomen is indicative of liver failure. Check for swelling under the right lower ribs where the liver is located. If the liver is swollen, the patient will also find it difficult to breathe because too much pressure is placed on the diaphragm.
Monitor sleeping and eating patterns. Liver failure can cause a loss of appetite. The patient may be nauseous which will keep him from eating properly. Because of fatigue, the patient will also tend to sleep a lot. There will also be a general feeling of weakness.
Note stool and urine color. Abnormally dark urine is another sign of liver damage. Stool will also either be too light or too dark. It's also important to be on the lookout for the presence of blood in the stool.
Check the patient's nails. With liver failure, the nails take on a white color much like when you try to block blood supply to them.
Identify other signs of liver failure. Minor symptoms of liver damage include frequent urination and excessive thirst, spasms, and nose bleeding.