Hepatitis B Symptoms in Men
The most important thing to understand about hepatitis B symptoms is that approximately 30 percent of those infected will experience none. Not at the beginning and potentially at no point throughout the life of the disease, until it is far too late for effective treatment options. This is especially true in men, for whom researchers gauge the number of asymptomatic infections could be as high as 50 percent. The disease is still infectious even if no symptoms are manifesting.
Stomach Ailments
Particularly when it comes to men, hepatitis B tends to show itself in symptoms affecting the digestive system. This litany of ailments can include mild to severe nausea, as well as a substantial loss in appetite. There may also be direct liver pain, which can also affect the stomach or be mistaken for stomach problems.
Doctors often refer to the three colors when speaking of hepatitis B symptoms. The things to watch out for are jaundice, in which the skin takes on a yellowish appearance; dark urine, even to the point of being the color of cola; and stool coloring, which can look paler than usual.
Liver Failure
Because hepatitis B attacks the liver, it is particularly important to be aware of the signs of liver failure, especially in men with the disease. Fluid retention is a common sign, particularly in the areas of the belly and the legs. Sudden weight gain may also be a sign. Bloody vomit and bleeding from other orifices such as the nose and rectum are common signs of liver deterioration.
Risk Factors
Because hepatitis B is so often without symptoms, it is important to be aware of the risky behaviors that the disease is associated with. If you or someone you know has engaged in promiscuous sex (particularly male homosexual sex), intravenous street drug use or have been in contact with someone who has the disease, you should be tested for hepatitis B as soon as possible.