How to Cure Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is an ailment that affects and damages the liver. In most cases there is no cure for Hepatitis C. However, there are some cases in which the body's immune system is strong enough to cure the illness on its own. Nevertheless, people who have Hepatitis C will suffer chronic liver infection. Medications will help kill the Hepatitis C virus but there are no guarantees that it can fully cure the disease. Below are some ways to treat Hepatitis C or prevent it from recurring or getting worse.Instructions
Early detection plays a big part in the cure of Hepatitis C. However, this is more easily said than done as some affected people don't show any symptoms. If they do exhibit symptoms it could be years later and by then the damage may be serious. So if you begin to exhibit nausea, loss of appetite, pain over the liver (just under the ribcage, on the right side), fatigue, jaundice or clay-color or grayish stool, visit the doctor for a check-up.
Go on a diet that requires that you drink about eight to 10 glasses of water a day and avoid caffeine and alcoholic drinks, which will dehydrate you. Have your fill of vegetable juices as well as servings of healthy fats, such as flax seed oil, olive oil and soybean oil. These oils contain essential fatty acids, which serve multiple functions to keep your brain, heart and immune system healthy.
Consider undergoing body-cleansing methods such as bowel cleansing, dental check-up (amalgams or nickel crowns can be a factor for having Hepatitis C), kidney cleansing and liver cleansing. For bowel cleansing you can drink supplements like Ultimate Colon Cleanse, Colonix or PoopDoc. For kidney cleansing you can take in watermelon seed tea or corn silk tea, or go on a natural-lemon-juice diet. For liver cleansing you can take in coffee, vinegar or yogurt enemas to flush out the toxins in your liver. You can also drink a combination of olive oil and lemon juice daily.
Sweat it out. Sweating releases a lot of toxins in your body and keeps your organs functioning smoothly. You can achieve this by doing regular exercise.
Ask your doctor about trying a newly developed cure for Hepatitis C: a daily shot of a longer acting form of interferon, also known as pegylated interferon, plus the antiviral pills ribavirin.