What Does the Liver Function Test Reveal?
Total Protein
The liver function test reveals how much protein in the blood. This number tells doctors if patients may be suffering from malfunctioning kidneys, liver disease, blood cancer, or malnutrition.
The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) states that liver function tests albumin levels, the fat manufactured in the liver. Albumin balances the amount of blood flowing through veins and arteries. Low albumin levels reveal liver damage caused by sepsis and inflammatory diseases.
The AIDS Treatment Data Network says that liver function tests reveal if these liver enzymes are elevated. Elevated GGT and ALP means that someone has scarred bile ducts, fatty livers, liver cirrhosis, or gallstones.
The liver produces bilirubin, a yellow fluid, when red blood cells break down. Liver function tests reveal if this fluid has entered the bloodstream, indicating liver damage.
Blood Ammonia
The AAFP states that liver function tests measure the amount of ammonia is concentrated in the blood. Blood ammonia levels tests the mental status of patients who are comatose for no unknown reason.
The AIDS Treatment Data Network says that prothrombin, the protein responsible for blood clotting, is produced in the liver. The liver function tests disclose whether or not people are at risk for excess bleeding due to Vitamin K deficiencies, blood-thinning medications or blood disorders.