Liver Failure Signs & Symptoms
The liver helps fight infection and cleans the blood. It also digests food and stores energy. Without a properly working liver, you face a life-threatening situation. Liver failure is usually a gradual process, and the initial symptoms may not seem to be associated with the liver. However, later symptoms are more conclusive.-
Initial Signs
The early signs of liver failure include nausea, diarrhea, lack of appetite and fatigue. These signs may be associated with other conditions.
Jaundice may be the only sign or symptom of liver failure. The result is a predominant yellowing of the skin and yellow in the mucous membrane of the eye. The urine will be dark, as well.
Cholestasis is the stoppage of bile flow. The symptoms include dark urine, pale stool, spider veins, easy bleeding, enlarged spleen and pain in the biliary tract.
Liver Enlargement
Liver enlargement is a sign of liver failure, but it may not cause other symptoms. The feeling is usually abdominal discomfort.
Liver Encephalopathy
Liver encephalopathy is a condition where the brain is deteriorating because of toxic substances. The result is confusion, disorientation, drowsiness and possibly a coma.