How to Reduce the Risk of Contracting Hepatitis
Things You'll Need
- Sterile needles
- Hepatitis vaccination
- Condoms
Wash your hands, with soap and water, after going to the bathroom or changing a diaper and before eating. Thorough hygiene can reduce the risk of contracting hepatitis. Hepatitis A is commonly passed among children and family members due to insufficient hand washing.
Avoid sharing intravenous needles and using illegal drugs. Hepatitis is commonly transmitted by drug users who share needles and other paraphernalia.
Practice safe sex. A latex condom can help reduce the chance of contracting hepatitis from having sex with an infected person. You should also consider limiting your number of partners. The more unprotected sex you have, the greater your risk of contracting hepatitis.
Make sure that a piercer or tattoo artist uses new, sterile needles and clamps. You may even consider providing your own piercing needles to ensure they are sterile. Hepatitis can be transmitted by any tool that comes in contact with blood, not just the needles.
Wear gloves when handling any blood or other bodily fluids from other people. This includes helping someone put on or remove a band-aid. If you know someone is infected with hepatitis, you should avoid handling any items that may be contaminated with her blood.
Donate your own blood before surgery in case you need a blood transfusion. Although blood is screened for disease, you may still develop hepatitis if the donor is diagnosed later.
Consider having hepatitis A or hepatitis B vaccinations. Discuss with your doctor whether you are at risk of contracting the disease and in need of the vaccines.