What Is the Ena Screen for Hep C?
Hepatitis means "inflammation of the liver." Contracted through needle sharing, contaminated blood, childbirth and in some cases sexual contact, Hepatitis C can be diagnosed quickly in its acute form. However, people can be infected for long periods without showing symptoms. When the virus lingers in the body, it can become chronic, leading to a variety of secondary diseases, including autoimmune disorders. When a Hepatitis C sufferer has symptoms suggesting such a disorder, an ENA panel may be ordered to pinpoint a diagnosis.
Although it primarily affects the liver, chronic Hepatitis C can also cause health problems that manifest extrahepatically, or outside the liver. According to the Hepatitis C Support Project, autoimmune disease is among the numerous conditions linked to chronic Hepatitis C. Managing these diseases depends on accurate testing to identify both the autoimmune disease itself and any underlying causes, such as untreated Hepatitis C. The ENA screen offers a precise way to identify these specific autoimmune conditions, which can help in formulating a treatment plan that takes into consideration both the primary disease of Hepatitis C and also the secondary disorders it causes.
The ENA, or Extractable Nuclear Antigen Antibody Test, is available as a four- or six-test panel used to obtain a specific diagnosis of autoimmune disorders and other connective tissue diseases. LabTestsOnline.org, notes that the four-test panel can help to diagnose systemic lupus erythematosus, which can be an extrahepatic manifestation of chronic Hepatitis C. The six-test version adds two more antigens to the screen for additional precision.
ENA testing leads to more precise diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune disorders. The ENA panel is a blood test. No fasting or preparation is needed, and blood can be drawn for this test on an outpatient basis. When an individual with chronic Hepatitis C displays symptoms of an autoimmune disease, practitioners may initially order an ANA (Anti-Nuclear Antibody) test, a less specific test that identifies the presence of antibodies suggestive of this kind of disorder. If elevated ANA is found, the ENA panel may then be used to target specific antigens in order to identify the exact type of autoimmune disease involved. Since these diseases may behave differently in patients with underlying Hepatitis C, the panel can contribute to the development of an overall treatment plan that takes into consideration all the factors affecting an individual's health.
As the Hepatitis C Support Project points out, treatment for autoimmune diseases may require a different approach if the primary condition is chronic Hepatitis C. Although the ENA screen is not a direct diagnostic test for Hepatitis C, it benefits sufferers of this serious liver disease by providing a precise tool for better overall management of its chronic form.