Herpes 2 Treatments
There are two types of genital herpes; Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 (also referred to as HSV-1 and HSV-2).
Herpesviridae include: cold sores, chickenpox, shingles, cytomegalovirus, various cancers and brain inflammation
Individuals who find cold sores or fever blisters in the mouth, a cluster of small fluid-filled blisters on the genitals or symptoms similar to razor burn, pimples or bug bites, the individual should seek a diagnosis.
Genital herpes is considered to be a chronic viral infection, with over 50 million Americans being infected with it and many not realizing they even have it. That means you need to be extra safe when having any kind of sexual contact with all sexual partners.
Genital herpes can still be spread even if an infected person is not in the middle of an "outbreak." An individual who suspects he has contracted HSV-2 or who has discovered that he has had sexual contact with someone who is infected with HSV-2 should seek medical treatment immediately.
Individuals can prevent genital herpes by practicing safe sex with partners whose sexual history they are familiar with or by practicing abstinence. Individuals who are diagnosed with HSV-2 should do what they can to treat themselves effectively, but also to avoid spreading the infection to their sexual partners.
Treatment Options
Zovirax, Famivir and Valtrex are oral medications typically prescribed by medical doctors to treat HSV-2. Prevention is the best course of action, but if it's too late, take measures to treat HSV-2 appropriately. Follow your doctor's recommendations.