What Are the Symptoms of Oral Herpes?
When oral herpes begins to activate a cold sore the first symptom is an itchy or tingly feeling in the nerve endings at the site where the sore will appear.
The second oral herpes symptom is usually a red, painful bump topped by small blisters.
The symptom of oral herpes which signals the most contagious phase of a cold sore is weeping. During this stage of oral herpes the blisters burst and fluid seeps out.
Symptoms of the ending stages of oral herpes are scabbing and healing. The blisters scab over continuously until only new skin is left behind.
Oral herpes is passed through saliva either by kissing, sharing drinks or utensils and sometimes by sharing towels or makeup. Avoid these actions if there is a cold sore present.
Herpes can be transmitted through oral-genital contact. Avoid oral relations if either partner has an active oral or genital lesion.