How to Make Fever Blisters Go Away Fast
Things You'll Need
- Antiviral prescription medication
- Lysine
- Cold compress
- Washcloth
- Ice pack
- Over-the-counter medication
- B-complex vitamins
Talk to your doctor about antiviral prescription medications that treat fever blisters. Certain medications can be taken daily to prevent the frequency of fever blister outbreaks. Other medications should be taken at the first sign of fever blisters in order to reduce their severity. You do need a doctor's prescription for all prescription medications that treat the herpes simplex virus.
Take Lysine. Lysine is a natural supplement that effectively treats fever blisters. Take 1,000 mg of Lysine when you first begin to see fever blisters as it will help decrease the intensity of the outbreak. You can find Lysine in most health stores.
Use over-the-counter medications. There are various ointments, balms and topical treatments designed to treat fever blisters. If applied regularly, these medications can improve your fever blisters, helping them to go away more quickly. You can find fever blister medication in most drug stores.
Apply a cold compress to your fever blisters. Soak a washcloth in cold water and apply it to the blisters. You can also use an ice pack on the area. This will help to reduce swelling and redness, and alleviate pain from the blisters.
Try B-complex vitamins. These vitamins aid your body's healing process and help to eliminate fever blisters. Take 1,000 mg daily to get rid of your fever blisters more quickly.