Early Stages of Genital Herpes
What is Genital Herpes
Genital herpes is a viral, sexually transmitted disease. When contracted, it causes the skin around the genital area to break out in sores. The sores can be irritating and even painful at first, but over time, the pain gets less with each outbreak.
Is Genital Herpes Contagious?
Genital herpes is contagious. It is spread from one person to the other with sexual contact, especially if you are having sexual relations during an outbreak. It is always best to use protection whether you are having an outbreak or not, to prevent giving herpes to your partner.
Who is at Risk For Herpes?
Anyone who is sexually active can get herpes. Herpes affects both men and women, though women contract it more often. People who have sex before age 18 are more likely to get herpes than those who are older. Those who have multiple sex partners are also more at risk.
What Are the Symptoms of Herpes?
The most common symptoms of herpes are the itching and burning you get around the genital area. You will also see sores that look like blisters start to break out on the genitalia.
What Types of Treatments are Given for Herpes?
The most common treatment for herpes is an anti-viral pill that is taken every day. There are also medicines and creams that can be put directly on the affected area to relieve itching and pain.
Is Herpes Cureable
Herpes cannot be cured. Once you have it, you have it for life. There are treatments for herpes to keep outbreaks down, and also lessen the chance of an outbreak. But once you have contracted herpes, there is no way to rid yourself of the virus completely.
Living With Herpes
Those that have been affected by herpes have to learn to live with it. It can be a nuisance to always have to be so careful during sexual relations, but taking precautions to not infect your partner is the responsible thing to do. It is also always best to be honest with any partner about your history, especially because herpes is so contagious. People can and do live with herpes. Having herpes does not have to mean your sex life has to end.