How to Live With Herpes Simplex 1
Avoid triggering outbreaks. Up to 90 percent of the adult population carries HSV-1, but only about 40 percent ever experience an outbreak. And though outbreaks can occur seemingly at random, stress, fever, lack of sleep, irritants like sun, wind and cold, and suppression of the immune system, can all trigger an outbreak. The HSV-1 virus can theoretically be spread at any time, it is during outbreaks that it is particularly contagious. Reducing outbreaks by avoiding triggers is one way to stop the spread and improve quality of life at the same time.
Minimize contact during an outbreak. Direct contact with an open herpes blister is the surest way to spread the virus. Thus, when faced with an outbreak of oral herpes, you should avoid kissing and the sharing of drinks, straws, eating utensils or toothbrushes. The herpes virus cannot live long outside of a human host, but the sharing of towels is not recommended. You should also avoid handling infants or contact with the immuno-compromised during an outbreak.
Use over-the-counter treatments on symptoms. There is no cure for Herpes Simplex 1, but there are several topical OTC applications, like Denavir and Abriva, that can be applied at the start of an outbreak to minimize its impact and help heal sores. To alleviate the pain associated with the sores, pain relievers like aspirin or ibuprofin can be taken. Lidocaine or kaopectate can be used on the gums if the sores are inside the mouth.
Suppress outbreaks with anti-viral drugs. Beyond simply treating the symptoms, the frequency of outbreaks can be reduced by taking virus suppressing medication. Zovirax, Valtrex and Famvir are all recognized as increasing the time between outbreaks for most people.