How to Understand And Deal With The Viral Infection Known As Shingles
UNDERSTAND THAT ANYONE WHO HAS EVER HAD CHICKEN POX CAN GET SHINGLES. It is more prevalent among older adults or others who may have lowered immunity. Stress and fatigue may also be factors. What finally triggers an attack is, however, not yet completely understood. More than one occurrence is possible but not common.
Know where shingles may appear. Unlike Chicken Pox which usually effects the whole body, SHINGLES ALMOST ALWAYS OCCURS around only one side of the body around the area of the nerve that is involved. That is to say it will start, for example, at the navel and go around one side to the spine. The other half of the body will be clear. Shingles can appear on any part of the body including the trunk, neck, face, scalp, arms and legs.
Know the SYMPTOMS. They usually begin with a numb or tingling feeling on the skin. There may be a mild burning or itching sensation as well. Then the rash appears. This starts as no more than a slight reddening of the skin. Raised pimples then appear, which in turn become pus-filled blisters. These eventually break open and crust over. The final phase may cause some itching but it is very mild compared to the itching of Chicken Pox.
BE aware of ANOTHER SYMPTOMS. One such is pain. It can be excruciating. Pain at the site of the rash may also be accompanied by headache, nausea, and severe abdominal pain. There may also be chills, and fever. Symptoms may continue for up to four weeks. Although Shingles is not in itself fatal, residual pain and skin sensitivity may last for months and there may be permanent scaring. Scratching compounds the problem.
Seek early medical attention. If you have any unexplained rash, it would be wise to CONSULT A DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY as early treatment is essential to lessen the severity of symptoms and to minimize possible complications. You doctor may prescribe antiviral medications or topical anti-inflammation ointments. He may also advise on pain medications. Cool compresses applied to the rash may help to sooth it. There is a vaccine for Shingles which some doctors recommend for patients over sixty. Consult your family doctor about this possibility.
Be considerate of others. If you have Shingles, and the sores are open, you should not be around anyone who has not had Chicken Pox as you are now in the contagious phase. It is especially important to avoid the very young, pregnant woman and the immune deficient. If you have shingles in the eye area, you must consult a doctor immediately as you could suffer eye damage.
Please see your doctor immediately if you suspect you may have shingles, especially if you have a fever, severe pain, rash near the eyes, or if you are elderly or immune deficient.