Herpes Outbreak Symptoms

Herpes is a contagious skin condition that affects millions of people. Herpes simple virus Type 1 causes cold sores or fever blisters around the mouth, nose and chin. Type 2 causes genital herpes. The symptoms are similar in both types of herpes. While there is no cure for herpes, there are home remedies and prescription medications that can treat the symptoms.
  1. Fever

    • When children get an outbreak of cold sores or fever blisters, there is usually a fever. This can be treated with cold compresses on the forehead or drinking lots of water.


    • Outbreaks of herpes usually consist of small, red bumps or blisters that are filled with pus. These appear around the nose and lips, inside the mouth, on the fingers and on the genitals.


    • With herpes, there can be open sores or ulcer in the mouth or around the genital and anal areas. These ulcers can break and ooze pus and/or blood.


    • The site of the outbreak can itch. This can occur even before the first blister or ulcer appears.


    • Most blisters and ulcers are painful. Some people notice slight pains in the areas before outbreaks appear. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help.

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