Herpes Simplex Virus Prevention
Don't Touch
It is of paramount importance that you not touch or come into physical contact with someone who is experiencing a herpes breakout. This includes kissing and sexual contact.
Don't Share
Herpes can be passed along via the sharing of towels, washcloths, toothbrushes and eating utensils. Drinking out of the same cup as an infected person may also lead to herpes.
Practice Cleanliness
Washing your hands thoroughly after possible exposure to the virus is important. In some cases, herpes is spread because a person touches his face or genitals after exposure.
Use Sunblock
Too much sun seems to trigger herpes. Use sunblock on your face and neck, and use lip balm with an SPF of 15.
Improve the Immune System
Not everyone gets herpes; if you can improve your immune system by taking Echinacea and Vitamin C regularly, it can reduce your chances of contracting herpes if exposed.