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How to Get Rid of an Infected Cold Sore With Natural Remedies
Cold sores are a strain of herpes simplex virus type 1. These sores usually form at the edge of the lips. Within a couple days, they will break open forming a crust which is yellow in appearance. The infected saliva from someone with a cold sore is extremely contagious. Once you have the virus in your system, it can not be cured. The cold sores themselves will appear from time to time usually following an illness, stress or even too much sun exposure. They are very painful to endure. Expect the sore to last 7 - 14 days if left untreated. Lucky for you, there are things you an do to get rid of an infected cold sore with natural remedies. All of these natural remedies are anti-viral in nature and can serve well to combat the cold sore before a full eruption occurs.Things You'll Need
- Cold sore
- St. John's Wort
- Lemon Balm
- Echinachea Root Tincture
- Collodial Silver
Dab a bit of liquid form of St. John's Wort or Lemon balm on the cold sore at the very first sign that one is developing.
Try sloshing ½ teaspoon of Echinacea root in your mouth for a full 3-4 minutes. Swallow the Echinacea root tincture when your done sloshing.
Purchase a bottle of colloidal silver and slosh that in your mouth for 3-4 minutes and then swallow as well.