How to Prevent, or Heal, Cold Sores and Fever Blisters
PREVENT THEM TO BEGIN WITH: Fever blisters often occur when lips are overexposed to the weather elements that dry, chap, or burn, them. Prevent fever blisters, or cold sores, by taking active care of your lips. Exfoliation techniques and natural based, non-petroleum lip balms will help prevent their formation. Also, consider taking LYSINE if you have frequent problems with cold sores or fever blisters.
IF YOU DO GET THEM: DON'T pick or pop any cold sore blister. Yes, it's right there, I know. Leave it alone or you'll likely make it bigger or spread it to the opposite lip !
TRY OVER THE COUNTER REMEDIES: Abreva, Blistex, and many other topical creams are available to quell the cold sore disturbance.
USE ICE: At the first sign of a cold sore, apply ice for a few minutes at a time. Remove and repeat. This often will deaden the nerve "tingling" sensation that means the cold sore is active.
APPLY ESSENTIAL OILS: Geranium essential oil is often recommended by aromatherapists to be applied directly (not diluted) to the cold sore or fever blister. The earlier it's applied, the more effective it will be. The smell of floral on your lips is a deterrent to many people.
KEEP STRESS IN CHECK: Cold sores may be your first noticeable sign of stress in your life. Let's face it, sometimes having too much "do" on the to-do list creates stress we aren't aware of; yet, seeing that ugly sore on your lip makes itself quite obvious ! Get your stress levels in check, and you can prevent, or create conditions to heal, cold sores and fever blisters.