How to Treat Herpes Simplex
Relax and take time to slow down. Stress can bring on the herpes simplex manifestations, making people who are susceptible to cold sores particularly vulnerable when they become stressed.
See a doctor for a prescription of an anti-viral medicine. There are a number of medications that have proven reliable in getting rid of the ugly cold sores and can help to suppress the recurrence of another outbreak. When children are treated with the medication, it can help to reduce the severity and frequency of outbreaks as adults. The medicine must be taken orally, as topical ointments do not help.
Avoid contact with a person who is having an outbreak or rash. Herpes simplex two is a sexually transmitted disease, which can be transmitted even when there is no outward appearance of it.
Try acupuncture for relief from a cold sore. The ancient healing method involves tiny needles that are stuck into points in your body. The acupuncturist finds the source of your stress or of the physical imbalance that's causing the cold sore and gently inserts needles into that spot.
Take 125 milligrams of aspirin each day. This is proving to be helpful for about half the people who try this at home remedy.