How to Prevent Cold Sores

If you believe cold sores or fever blisters seem to appear only when you are coming down with an illness, think again. While they are caused by a virus, it isn’t the rhinovirus or cold virus that leads to the development of cold sores. Some triggers include sunlight, stress, menstruation, skin trauma on the lips, fever and dry chapped lips. When you have one or more cold sore, you just want them to heal, go away and never come back.
  1. What is a Cold Sore?

    • A cold sore is a painful blister that develops on your lips, just outside your lips, inside your mouth and inside your nose. You are most likely to develop a cold sore when you are becoming sick or under excessive stress.

      The herpes simplex virus causes the sores that appear on your mouth. These are known as herpes simplex 1. This virus also causes genital herpes sores, which are known as herpes simplex II. These blisters are highly contagious because the fluid inside contains a live virus. You can spread your cold sores by sharing glasses, food, not washing your hands after touching your sores and by kissing, states the Family Resource Center. Once the sores dry up and fall off, the virus goes dormant inside your body. When you experience a triggering event, the virus reactivates itself, leading to more cold sores.

    Cold Sore Symptoms

    • You will feel a cold sore before it becomes visible. You may feel a burning, itching or tingling sensation. The skin where the sore is about to develop may also feel numb. The sores begin to appear, and are painful. These fever blisters/cold sores begin to break, allowing the infectious fluid to drain out, making careful hygiene important. The sores then begin to dry out and are covered with a dried, yellow crust. Your doctor will diagnose a cold sore by going over your medical history and by examining your blisters. The fluid can be tested and cultured.

    Preventing Cold Sores

    • Once you know you are vulnerable to cold sores, take several steps to prevent breakouts. If you do develop a breakout, you need to know how to prevent the virus from spreading to others, or to other parts of your body.

      Build up your immune system by eating a nutritious diet, exercising regularly and getting sufficient sleep. When you undergo more stress than normal, take part in relaxation therapy or find an activity that helps you reduce the stress. Moisturize your lips every day to keep them from becoming chapped or dry. Avoid known cold sore triggers such as stressful situations, overexposure to the sun and any cuts or abrasions on or around your lips. If you develop a cold sore, keep your hands scrupulously clean. Avoid sharing glasses, beverages and foods with others when you are infected. Don’t kiss others when you have cold sores.

    Preventing Frequent Breakouts

    • If you develop breakouts frequently, your doctor may want you to use an antiviral medication on a prophylactic or preventive basis. These include acyclovir, famciclovir and valacyclovir, which you take every day to prevent breakouts.

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